Multibanco Offline Algorithm


Welcome to the MULTIBANCO OFFLINE ALGORITHM documentation.

If you need to perform the integration from scratch, here is the description of the algorithm for generating offline references. For integration via this process, you will need an entity code (5 numeric digits) and a sub-entity code (3 numeric digits) assigned by ifthenpay to the merchant.
In this Multibanco reference format, it is not possible to set expiration dates.

If you do not have these entity and sub-entity codes, please contact ifthenpay.

Before implementation, please verify if an existing integration is already available for your platform, whether developed by Ifthenpay, the platform provider, or a third party.

You can check the list of available plugins and their corresponding e-commerce platforms here. You can also check the list of integrations with invoicing software here.

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If you need to calculate our Multibanco references, we offer a step-by-step guide on the reference generation algorithm.

In the Multibanco system, customers use three sets of digits to make a payment: the Entity, the Reference, and the Amount.

In all the examples in this manual, we will use Entity 11604 and Sub-entity 999 for demonstration purposes. In real cases, you should not use this entity and sub-entity, but rather the entity and sub-entity assigned to you by ifthenpay when you subscribed to the service.

Payment via Multibanco or Homebanking

Entity:                              11604

Reference:           999 123 490

Amount:                       25,86 €

This box should be printed on the sales document (usually in the bottom left corner) or, in the case of e-commerce, displayed/printed by the browser and, preferably, also sent by email with the order details.

The payment deadline can also be displayed, but by default, it is transparent to the system, which will accept payments at any date, even after the specified date.

Multibanco terminals also accept, by default, the same reference for payment more than once, so handling duplicate payments should be managed administratively.


Control Digits

To calculate Control Digit you need to:

  1. Concatenate into a string: the 5 digits of the entity + the 3 digits of the sub-entity + 4 digits of the ID + the 8 digits of the amount (without the decimal separator and padding with leading zeros to make 8 characters).
    In our example, this would be: 11604999123400002586

  2. Perform the following operation: result = 51 x 1º dígito + 73 x 2º dígito + 17 x 3º dígito + 89 x 4º dígito + 38 x 5º dígito + 62 x 6º dígito + 45 x 7º dígito + 53 x 8º dígito + 15 x 9º dígito + 50 x 10º dígito + 5 x 11º dígito + 49 x 12º dígito + 34 x 13º dígito + 81 x 14º dígito + 76 x 15º dígito + 27 x 16º dígito + 90 x 17º dígito + 9 x 18º dígito + 30 x 19º dígito + 3 x 20º dígito

    In our example: result = 51x1 + 73x1 + 17x6 + 89x0 + 38x4 + 62x9 + 45x9 + 53x9 + 15x1 + 50x2 + 5x3 + 49x4 + 34x0 + 81x0 + 76x0 + 27x0 + 90x2 + 9x5 + 30x8 + 3x6 = 2627

  3. Perform the following operation:

    final_result = 98 – (result mod 97), where mod represents the remainder of the integer division.

    In our example: final_result = 98 – (2627 mod 97) = 98 – 8 = 90
    The control digits would then be 90.

    Note: If the control digit had only one digit (e.g., 5), it should be formatted to two digits by padding with a leading zero (e.g., 05).


Payment of References

Immediately after a reference is generated (which is done offline), it can be paid at Multibanco terminals (or HomeBanking, Telemultibanco, or MBSpot) using the option for Payment of Purchases/Services (in the same way as utility bills such as electricity, water, gas, and telecommunications).

Note that you do not need to send the generated references to any web service of ifthenpay or SIBS. They simply need to be correctly calculated to be immediately payable.

Additionally, Multibanco references can only be paid for the amount for which they were generated (the amount is part of the calculation for the check-digits).


Testing References

Although the calculation of Multibanco references is relatively simple, test its functionality with different values and IDs using our validation application (available at in our Backoffice. Also, ensure that you are using the entity and sub-entity assigned to by ifthenpay>.


Implementation Examples

You can download examples of how to implement this algorithm in various programming languages, as well as modules for major e-commerce platforms, from the following link.


List of Payments

One way to automate the processing of completed payments is by retrieving them via a web service.
If you need to list payments, you can use this API

Whenever possible, especially on online platforms, you should use the callback method described here